$Id: INSTALL,v 1.22 2004/03/14 10:54:10 morsiani Exp $ *** MPS Installation To install MPS, just untar the .tar.gz file into any directory, e.g. with: % mkdir /usr/local/ % cp MPS.1.xx.linux.i386.tar.gz /usr/local/ % cd usr/local/ % gunzip MPS.1.xx.linux.i386.tar.gz % tar xfv MPS.1.xx.linux.i386.tar This will create three directories below the main directory: mps/ support/ example/ They contain respectively: mps/ : the simulator sources. It should be compiled with: % cd mps % make When compilation ends, mps, mps-mkdev, mps-elf2mps, mps-objdump executables have been built (see documentation). To run them the LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set to include the path to XForms library needed by MPS. If you use tcsh: % setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/MPS.1.xx.linux-i386/mps/FORMS If you use bash: $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/MPS.1.xx.linux-i386/mps/FORMS support/: some support files, and system ROMs (see documentation). Simulator will run correctly only if instructed on the position of support/ directory. This may be achieved by careful compilation (see mps/Makefile for details), or by specifying the environment variable MPSDIR: if you use tcsh: % setenv MPSDIR /usr/local/MPS/support if you use bash: $ export MPSDIR=/usr/local/MPS/support This definition may be included in shell startup files as well. example/: Classical "Hello World" example for mps simulator: it prints a message on terminal 0 and ends. It has been included to show how Makefile, MIPS cross-compiler and mps- commands should be used to build executable code for the MPS virtual machine. This example has been already cross-compiled to let you test the simulator without installing the cross-compiler kit. The kernel.*.mps links to example files are used as they are default names for files to be loaded from simulator, while other *.mps files represent MPS simulated devices. *** To test MPS: 1) build mps; 2) start XWindow server and open a shell terminal; 3) set MPSDIR environment variable; 4) add the path to mps/FORMS to LD_LIBRARY_PATH; 5) change directory to example/ directory; 6) set mps/ directory in execution path or just type: % ./mps The simulator will run and load the example. Pressing on "Run" button you will see the simulation start. Read the documentation to explore all simulator features.