$Id: CROSSDEV,v 1.26 2006/02/25 16:25:50 morsiani Exp morsiani $ *** MIPS cross-compiler HOWTO To develop programs for uMPS, a cross-compiler is needed. The uMPS simulator takes on the endian-ness of the host machine. Therefore the cross-compiler tools need to be created for the appropriate endian-ness of the host machine. Intel/AMD processors are little-endian. Sparc and PowerPC processors are big-endian. The only difference in the construction of the cross-compiler tools is in the parameters used to configure the "make" process. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After you have downloaded the binutils, the three parts (core, gcc, and g++) of the compiler, and untar-ed them somewhere (location not important) build the binutils first: cd to the binutils-2.14 directory. As root "configure" the "make" process with the following command: For little-endian machines: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --target=mipsel-linux --verbose For big-endian machines: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --target=mips-linux --verbose Then: make (the makefile assumes the use of the gnu Make facility which may be called gmake) make install -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the binutils have been successfully installed, build the compiler: cd to the gcc-3.4.0 directory. As root "configure" the "make" process with the following command (don't forget to drop the "el" on the target for big-endian installations): ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --target=mipsel-linux --verbose --enable-languages=c --disable-threads --disable-shared --disable-nls make (the makefile assumes the use of the gnu Make facility which may be called gmake) make install