Installation Documentation: ############################################################################## Compile your own. ############################################################################## If you want to compile your own and install it yourself all you need to do is: 1. Get the latest source; 2. untar and go into the new directory: $ tar zxf uMPS*.tar.gz; cd uMPS* 3. configure the program $ ./configure 4. compile the program: $ make 5. install the program as root: # make install When installation ends, umps, umps-mkdev, umps-elf2mps, umps-objdump executables have been installed (see documentation for usage). They will be located in ${/installation/path}/bin/. Some support file will be installed too. They will be located in: 1- System ROMs and LD scripts in ${/installation/path}/share/uMPS/; 2- Object files in ${/installation/path}/lib/uMPS; 3- Header files in ${/installation/path}/include/uMPS. Simulator will run correctly only if instructed on the position of these support files. This may be achieved by specifying their position in a umpsrc file or in Makefile(s). ############################################################################## Package contents. ############################################################################## src/ : the simulator sources. support/: some support files, and system ROMs (see documentation). example/: Classical "Hello World" example for umps simulator: it prints a message on terminal 0 and ends. It has been included to show how MIPS cross-compiler and umps-commands should be used to build executable code for the uMPS virtual machine. example2: example3: example4: Variations on classical "Hello World" example. net.example: net.example2: Examples using vde_network interface. They sends and receive simple message through net interface. It has been included to show how Makefile and umpsrc should be constructed. You need VDE to use net examples. ( All Makefile(s) are using autotools "make" infrastructure. Example's Makefile(s) are constructed in "in hybrid way" in order to facilitate the interpretation. The kernel.*.umps links to example(s) files are used as they are default names for files to be loaded from simulator, while other *.umps files represent uMPS simulated devices. ############################################################################## How uMPS work. ############################################################################## The umpsrc file is searched: 1) in the current directory (./.umpsrc); 2) in the user home directory ($HOME/.umpsrc); 3) in a system-wide configuration file (/etc/umpsrc). Search stops at the first file found. umpsrc.sample file is located in support/ directory, and it is self-describing. If XForms libs are not located in standard path, you should have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the path to XForms library needed by uMPS. If you use tcsh: % setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/FORMS If you use bash: $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/FORMS Under FreeBSD, you may have to add /usr/compat/linux/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH too. ############################################################################## Testing uMPS. ############################################################################## 1) Build umps; 2) start XWindow server and open a shell terminal (MacOSX need X11 support enabled); 3) change directory to example/ directory; 4) set src/ directory in execution path or just type: $ ./umps The simulator will run and load the example. Pressing on "Run" button you will see the simulation start. Read the documentation to explore all simulator features.