*** ACCESSING DEBIAN REPOSITORY FOR uMPS 1.23-RC2 1) Add the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list (add deb-src only if you want to build from source): * for Linux on i386: deb http://mps.sourceforge.net/deb/x86 ./ deb-src http://mps.sourceforge.net/deb/x86 ./ * for Linux on PPC: deb http://mps.sourceforge.net/deb/ppc ./ deb-src http://mps.sourceforge.net/deb/ppc ./ 2) if you are using apt with package signing support (apt version 0.6 or later) add the repository keys to your keyring: download the key eg. with wget: wget http://mps.sourceforge.net/deb/gpg/umps.gpg add the key to your keyring: apt-key add umps.gpg 3) install uMPS packages with commands like: * for Linux on i386: apt-get install umps apt-get install binutils-mipsel apt-get install gcc-mipsel * for Linux on PPC: apt-get install umps apt-get install binutils-mips apt-get install gcc-mips Apt will take care to satisfy dependencies and install the additional packages required.